Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cut Out The Crayons


Its time to update materials, put down the crayons, hide the easy mac and minute rice, and go to the next step. Plan some time to go to the grocery store. Take time to read ingredient labels. Ingredients are the main focus. Make sure the products you buy don't contain artificial sweeteners, pesticides, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, or hormones. Check the nutrition labels to ensure the product has no trans fat.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungucides and 30% of insectides are carcinogenic.

Many pesticides accumulate in fatty tissues.

In a study of 409 women at Belguim's Sart University Hospital, women with breast cancer were 5x more likely, than women without breast cancer, to have traces of the hormonal disrupting pesticide, DDT, and 9x as likely to have an estrogren modulating pesticide, hexachlorobenzene, in their blood.

Organic food should have had no contact with pesticides. Since it is harder for farmers to care for produce without the use of pesticides - organic produce will tend to be more expensive. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) refer to the produce that contains the highest amount of pesticides as the dirty dozen: Peaches, Apples, Bell Peppers, Carrots, Celery, Nectarines, Strawberries, Cherries, Grapes (imported), Lettuce (including Kale & Spinach), Red Raspberries, and Pears.

The ESG also recognizes the following as the “Clean 15”: Onions, Avocados, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Mangoes, Asparagus, Sweet Peas, Kiwis, Cabbages, Eggplants, Papayas, Watermelons, Broccoli, Tomatoes, and Sweet Potatoes. While the “Clean 15” still contain pesticides they contain about 80% less than the “Dirty Dozen”.

These fruits and vegetables were tested after washing and normal peeling had taken place.

Natural food are less regulated and may contain pesticides – but are still a healthier option to non-organic produce. They are usually less expensive than organic and are usually produced without added hormones, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or high fructose corn syrup.

When humans eat meat, dairy, or eggs from animals that have been injected with hormones, they run the risk of traces of the harmful hormones being introduced to their body. They are potentially cancer causing and may cause precocious puberty in children.

Beware of the bovine growth hormone also known as rbST and rBGH. Dairy produced with these hormones do not need to say so on their label so make sure the label reads "no rBST" or "made from cows not treated with rBGH"

Put it back on the shelf if "hydrogenated" is part of the title of an ingredient. Partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils are a cheap substitute for butter. Butter contains necessary fats that are useful to your body. Where as hydrogenated oils build up in your body and lead to obesity, multiple sclerosis, arthritisis, stroke, and heart attacks. While these ingredients are meant to preserve products from going rancid they are worse than a fuzzy green Twinkie...


The FDA should require a perscription for these five harmful preservatives. Most of them are found in luncheon meats, bacon, sausages and other over-the-deli counter meats.

May Turn on Cancer Cells
Sodium Nitrate, BHA, BHT, and Propyl Gallate.

Causes Nerve Cell Damage
MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).

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